1. for a material stress at proportional limit is 200 MPa and modulus of elasticity is 200 Gpa the modulus of resilience for this material will be
a. 0.1 Mpa b. 1.0 Mpa c. 10 Mpa d. 100 Mpa
2. For concrete of grade M50, short-term modulus of elasticity will be nearly
a. 20000 N/mm2 b.35000 N/mm2 c. 50000 N/mm2 d. 75000 N/mm2
3. joint filler used during highway construction are
a. Soft wood b. impregnated fire board c. both a. & b. d. none of these.
4. As per IS 456:2000, in limit state method of design, maximum strain in concrete at the outermost compression fiber in bending is taken as
a. 0.0020 b. 0.0025 c. 0.0030 d. 0.0035
5. which of the following is used for measurement of local velocities of fluid flowing through pipe ?
a. venturimeter b. pitot tube c. orificemeter d. all of these
6. For a laminar flow b/w two parallel fixed plates, maximum velocity observed as 3 m/s average velocity of the flow will be
a. 1 ms b. 1.5 m/s c. 2 m/s d. 2.5 m/s
7. A king closer is
a. 1/4 of brick b. 4/3 of brick c. 3/4 of brick d. none of these.
1. for a material stress at proportional limit is 200 MPa and modulus of elasticity is 200 Gpa the modulus of resilience for this material will be
a. 0.1 Mpa b. 1.0 Mpa c. 10 Mpa d. 100 Mpa
2. For concrete of grade M50, short-term modulus of elasticity will be nearly
a. 20000 N/mm2 b.35000 N/mm2 c. 50000 N/mm2 d. 75000 N/mm2
3. joint filler used during highway construction are
a. Soft wood b. impregnated fire board c. both a. & b. d. none of these.
4. As per IS 456:2000, in limit state method of design, maximum strain in concrete at the outermost compression fiber in bending is taken as
a. 0.0020 b. 0.0025 c. 0.0030 d. 0.0035
5. which of the following is used for measurement of local velocities of fluid flowing through pipe ?
a. venturimeter b. pitot tube c. orificemeter d. all of these
6. For a laminar flow b/w two parallel fixed plates, maximum velocity observed as 3 m/s average velocity of the flow will be
a. 1 ms b. 1.5 m/s c. 2 m/s d. 2.5 m/s
7. A king closer is
a. 1/4 of brick b. 4/3 of brick c. 3/4 of brick d. none of these.
8. carbon content of steel is increased. which of the following
parameter of steel will be reduced
a. brittleness
b. strength
c. hardness d. ductility
9. In a tree, the cambium layer is situated b/w
a. the outer bark and inner bark
b. the inner bark and sapwood
c. the sapwood and heartwood
d. the pitch and heartwood
10. If 1% solution of sewage sample is incubated for 5 days
at 20⁰C and depleted of oxigen was found
to be 7 ppm, B.O.D. of sewage is
a. 7 ppm
b. 70 ppm
c. 700 ppm
d. 0.07 ppm
11. Deciduous trees are having
a. broad and well defined leaves b.
narrow and not well defined leaves
c. broad and not well defined leaves d. none of these.
12. The total unit weight of
soil is 22 KN/mᶟ . The specific gravity of soil particles is 2.67 and the water
contact of soil is 10% the dry unit weight would be
a. 20 KN/mᶟ b. 2 KN/mᶟ c. 0.02 KN/mᶟ d. 200 KN/mᶟ
13. A 30 m chain is found to be 0.5 m too short
throughout the measurement. If the distance measured is recorded as 300 m, the
actual distance measured wil be
a. 295 m b. 300 m c. 299 m d. 303 m
14. The fore bearing of a
line is S39⁰42’E
the back bearing of line will be
a. S39⁰42’E
b. S39⁰42’W c. N50⁰18’E
d. N39⁰42’W
15. Average annual rainfall
recorded over six rain gauge station is 100 cm and standard deviation from mean
is 20 cm. for a 10% error is the estimation of mean rainfall, the optimum no.
of rain gauges required is
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6
16. Property of soil by
virtue of which loss in shear strength caused due to remolding is recover with
time is known as
a. activity b. sensitivity c. collapsibility d. thixotropy
17. A plate of thickness
0.010 mm, distant from a fixed plate, moving at 10 cm/s and required a force of
1 N per unit area i.e. 1 N/ mm2 to maintain this speed. What would be the fluid viscosity
b/w the plates
a. 10-3 poise b. 10-4 poise c. 2 x 10-3 poise d. none of above
18. Deflection at the free end of prismatic cantilever beam of
length L, modulus of elasticity E and moment of inertia I, under load P at the
free end will be
a. PL3/48EI b. PL3/16EI c. PL3/EI d. PL3/EI
19. Which of the following will be significant in case of fluid
flows where compressibility effects are predominant?
a. Mach number b.
weber number c. reynold’s
number d. Froude’s number
20. Objective of seasoning
a. Decrease in
weight b. increase in strnght
c. increase in
workability d. all of the
21. If load stress are 24kg/cm2, warping stress are 30
kg/cm2 and frictional stresses are 25.5 kg/cm2, then what
would be the value of critical stresses combination at edge region during
summer mid day ?
A 24 b.
54 c. 28.5 d. 57
22. Find the coefficient of permeability of soil
sample, if the value of hydraulic gradient is 6 and area of cross section is 50
cm2. Also the quantity of
water equal to 600 ml passed down in 10min under an effective constant head of
40 cm.
A 0.33 x 10-2 cm/s
b. 3.3 x 10-2 cm/s
c. 33 x 10-2 cm/s d. 0.033 x 10-2 cm/s
23. On the basis of geology of area, if clayey
foundation is there then the type if dam will be
a. gravity dam
b. earthen dam c.
rock fill dam
d. low height gravity dam
24. If the specific gravity
and void in soil sample are G and e respectively, then the hydraulic gradient i
is represented
25. The coefficient of compressibility of soil is
the ratio of
a. stress to strain b. strain to stress
c. stress to settlement d. rate of loading to that of settlement
26. Coarse gained soil are
best compacted by
a. drum roler b. rubber
tyred roller
c. sheep’s foot roller d. vibratory roller
27. The rise of water table
below the foundation influence the bearing capacity of soil mainly by reducing
a. cohesion and effective
angle of shearing resistance
b. cohesion and effective
unit weight if soil
c. effective unit weight if
soil and effective angle of shearing resistance
d. effective angle of
shearing resistance
28. The maximum differential
settlement in isolated footing on clayey soil should be limited to
25 mm b. 40 mm c. 65 mm d. 100 mm
lime stabilization is very effective in treating
sandy soil b. silty soil
non plastic soil d. plastic clayey soil
The ratio of settlement at any time ‘t’ to the final settlement is known as
coefficient of consolidation b.
degree of consolidation
consolidation index d. consolidation of undisturbed soil
A bar L meter long and having its area of cross section A is subjected to a
gradually applied tensile load W. the strain energy stored in bar is
32. The radius of gyration
of a rectangular section from a centroidal axis parallel to width is
a. D/2 b.
D/2√3 c. D/4√3 d. 2D/√3
33. slenderness ratio of
long column is
a. area of cross section
divided by radius of gyration
b. area of cross section
divided by least radius of gyration
c. length of column divided
by least radius of gyration
d. rad2ius of
gyration divided by area of cross section
34. A rigid plan frame is
stable and statically determine if
a. (m+r) = 2j
b. (m+r) = 3j c.
(3m+r) = 3j d. (m+3r) = 3j
35. The BM of a cantilever
beam shown in fig. at A is
- 8 Tm b. zero c. 12 Tm d. 20 Tm
36. The point of
contraflexure occur in
a. cantilever beam only b. continuous beam
c. overhanging beam only d. both a & b
37. Rate of change of
angular momentum is equal to
a. torque b. force
c. linear momentum d. impulse
38. Four columns of building
are to be located within a plot of 10 m X 10 m. The expected load on each
column is 4000 KN. Allowable bearing capacity of soil deposit is 100KN/m2.
The type of foundation best suited is
a. isolated footing b.
raft footing c. pile foundation d.
combined footing
39. A beam of square cross
section with side 100 mm is placed with one diagonal vertical. If the shear
force acting on the section is 10 KN. The maximum shear stress is
a. 1 N/mm2 b. 2 N/mm2 c. 1.125 N/mm2
d. 2.25 N/mm2
40.If the length of a simple
supported beam carrying a concentrated loads at the centre is doubled, the
deflaction ar the centre will become
a. two times b. six times c. four times d. eight times
41. The following statements are related to bending of beam
- The slope of the bending moment diagram is equal to shear force.
- The slope of shear force diagram is equal to load intensity.
- The slope of curvature is equal to flexural rotation.
- The second derivation of the deflection is equal to curvature.
The onlyt false statement is
- I b. II c. III d. IV
42. The ratio of the
theoretical critical buckling load for a column with fixed ends to that of
another column with the same dimension and material, but pinned ends is equal
a. 0.5 b. 4.0 c. 2.0 d. 1.0
43. The effective stress
friction angle if a saturated cohesionless soil is 43⁰. The ratio of shear stress
and normal effective stress on the failure plan is
a. 0.781 b. 0.616 c. 0.839 d.0.932
44. Which one of the
following is categorized as a long term loss of prestress in a prestressed
conc. Member ?
a. loss due to elastic
shortness b. loss due to
relaxation of strands
c. loss due to friction c. loss due to anchorage
45. A rectangular open
channel of width 5.0 m is carried a discharge of 100 m3/s. The
Froude number of the flow is 8.0. The depth of flow (in m) in the channel is
a. 4 b. 5 c.
16 d. 20
46. A bar of dia. D embedded
in a concrete block with a pull-out force P applied to it. The length of embedment
is represented by L and Ʈbd is the bond strength and fy is tensile
strength of bar. Which one of the following options represent the max. Value of P?
a. 0.87 fy
D2 b. 0.87 fy
D c. 0.87 fy
D2 d. 0.87 fy
47. As per the figure which
of the statements is true ?
- T1 = T2 b. T1 > T2 c. T1 < T2 d. none of the above
48. The reaction at support
C in the structure shown in figure is
- 52.5 KN b. 60 KN c. 67.5 KN d. 75 KN
49. As per IS: 800, the max.
deflection in a beam should not exceed
a. L/360 b.
L/325 c. L/250 d. L/180
50. The max. shear stress of
steel beam should not exceed
a. 0.45 fy b. 0.55 fy c. 0.66 fy d.
0.50 fy
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